Groups and Categories
In AgroPortal, ontologies are organized in groups and tagged with categories. Typically, groups associate ontologies from the same project or organization for better identification of the provenance. Whereas categories are about subjects/topics and enable to classify ontologies. As of 2016, AgroPortal's categories were established in cooperation with FAO AIMS. In 2024, we moved to UNESCO nomenclature for fields of science and technology. Groups and categories, along with other metadata, can be used on the “Browse” page of AgroPortal to filter out the list of ontologies.
6 ontologies
The AERIS atmosphere data and services hub federates national atmospheric data management and scientific expertise activities. Formed in 2014, it encompasses four integrated and increasingly connected data and services centres (DSCs). See more...
European Plate Observing System (EPOS)
1 ontologies
EPOS, the European Plate Observing System, is a multidisciplinary, distributed research infrastructure that facilitates the integrated use of data, data products, and facilities from the solid Earth science community in Europe. EPOS brings together Earth scientists, national research infrastructures, ICT (Information & Communication Technology) experts, decision makers, and public to develop new concepts and tools for accurate, durable, and sustainable answers to societal questions concerning geo-hazards and those geodynamic phenomena (including geo-resources) relevant to the environment and human welfare. See more...
6 ontologies
L'Ifremer est l'institut français de recherche entièrement dédié à la connaissance de l'océan. See more...
W3C (W3C)
2 ontologies
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6 ontologies
The ODATIS ocean data and services hub was created in 2016. ODATIS federates national oceanography data management and scientific expertise activities. Its aims are to develop derived products and facilitate/promote discovery and uptake of data acquired in the ocean or at its interface with other environments, from in-situ, laboratory and remote-sensing measurements. It is thus working to describe, quantify and understand the oceans from a broad perspective, taking in the open ocean and coastal waters, at the sea surface and at depth. See more...
9 ontologies
Data Terra is a research e-infrastructure focused on the Earth system and environment Data Terra encompasses a collection of data hubs dedicated to Earth system data and services. Data Terra’s main mission is to develop a structure for accessing and processing data, products and services geared towards observing, understanding and predicting in an integrated manner the history, mechanisms and evolution of the Earth system in response to global changes. See more...
FormaTerre (FORMATER)
9 ontologies
The purpose of the Solid Earth Centre is to facilitate access to data and contribute to the creation of new products and services by adding value to the available spatial and in-situ data. It is part of the national and European landscapes in close coordination with the infrastructure in place and under construction. For this, the Solid Earth Center, has the task to federate the existing centres in the service of the Solid Earth community. It relies on a portal giving access to spatial data, in-situ and experimentation of the domain. It aims to provide added value, especially for data and services in fields where data centres do not exist or need to be developed and in the articulation with European and international systems. The Center, in collaboration with other structures in the field and within the research infrastructure Data Terra, will strengthen the Solid Earth community by giving it access to the data and products it needs to his research. See more...
Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
2 ontologies
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Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
1 ontologies
ESIP is a nonprofit organization that provides a neutral space for exciting cross-domain collaborations. If you’re working to make Earth science data actionable, we’re your professional home. See more...
1 ontologies
The THEIA land surfaces data and services hub was created in 2012. It provides for the national and international scientific community and public environmental resource monitoring and management policies a vast portfolio of value-added satellite data products, software, algorithms and image processing to support observation of land surfaces. See more...
British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC)
1 ontologies
The British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) is a national facility for looking after and distributing data concerning the marine environment. BODC is certified as a Trustworthy Data Repository by the CoreTrustSeal Standards and Certification Board. We preserve and distribute a wealth of publicly accessible data. See more...
Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM)
2 ontologies
Service géologique national, le BRGM (Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières) est l’établissement public de référence dans les applications des sciences de la Terre pour gérer les ressources et les risques du sol et du sous-sol dans une perspective de développement durable. See more...
2 ontologies
ACTRIS is the pan-European research infrastructure producing high-quality data and information on short-lived atmospheric constituents and on the processes leading to the variability of these constituents in natural and controlled atmospheres. See more...