Ontology visits

(December 2024)

# name visits
1 SWEET Ontology (SWEET) 69
2 Theia-OZCAR Thesaurus (TOZ) 57
3 General Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus (GEMET) 20
4 Infrastructures de recherche (SXT_IR) 16
5 ODATIS aggregation parameters and Essential Variable names (NVS_OD1) 16
6 Centre de données ODATIS (SXT_CDO) 15
7 Infrastructures de Recherche et composantes (EASYDATA_INFRA) 15
8 Vocabulaire thématique (EASYDATA_THEMES) 14
9 Environmental Thesaurus (ENVTHES) 12
10 NFDI4Earth Ontology (N4E) 10
11 Vocabulaire des mots clefs (EASYDATA_KW) 10
12 Cadastre and Land Administration Thesaurus (CALATHE) 9
13 ACTRIS Vocabulary (ACTRIS_VOCAB) 9
14 Earth science variables - TerraVocabulary (TERRA_VOCABS_ESV) 8
15 Argo Ontology (ARG) 7
16 ACTRIS Controlled List (ACTRIS_CL) 7
17 Earth Feature Type - TerraVocabulary (TERRA_VOCABS_EFT) 6
18 FORM@TER Variables (FMT_VAR) 6
19 FORM@TER Disciplines and Themes (FMT_DT) 6
20 SeaDataNet Device Thesaurus (SDNDEV) 5
21 SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (NVS_P02) 4
22 AERIS Thesaurus (AERIS_THES) 4
23 Sensor, Observation, Sample, and Actuator Ontology (SOSA) 3
24 FORM@TER Platforms (FMT_PTF) 3
25 Lithology (BRGM_LTH) 3
26 Earth Science Sensors - TerraVocabulary (TERRA_VOCABS_ESS) 2
27 Services Nationaux d'Observation (SXT_SNO) 2
28 Semantic Sensor Network Ontology (SSN) 2
29 Climate and Forecast Standard Names (NVS_P07) 2
30 SeaVoX Device Catalogue (NVS_L22) 2
31 SeaDataNet device categories (NVS_L05) 2
32 Units of measure (BRGM_UOM) 2
33 Earth science platforms - TerraVocabulary (TERRA_VOCABS_ESP) 1
34 Argo Reference Tables (NVS_R) 1
35 Area of benefit (SXT_AOB) 0
36 Semantic Types Ontology (STY) 0
37 Governance for vocabularies used within the data centre (NVS_P06) 0
38 FORM@TER Products (FMT_PRO) 0
39 FORM@TER Networks (FMT_NET) 0
40 FORM@TER Instruments (FMT_INT) 0
41 FORM@TER Feature of Interest (FMT_FOI) 0
42 eLTER Controlled Lists (ELTER_CL) 0